Melinda Tunner is seeking a seat on Town Council because she has a sincere desire for public service. She believes her extensive experience in corporate finance and recent responsibilities on the Palmetto Hall POA Board can play an important role in helping maintain Hilton Head Island as one of America’s most exceptional communities.
Melinda’s work ethic as both President and Treasurer of Palmetto Hall’s Property Owner Association combined with her impressive career in corporate finance are proven attributes. Her career skills translate well to public office where sound decision-making and accountability are crucial for addressing community needs. They will help her be a valuable asset for Hilton Head Island’s town government plus an effective voice for residents living in the varied neighborhoods of Ward 6. Notably, the current council lacks members with extensive financial expertise.
Melinda has been an island resident for nearly seven years. Before making Hilton Head her home, she lived and worked in Chicago, raising a family while holding substantial responsibilities as a Corporate Officer and Controller with the $57 billion, Fortune 100 company Allstate Insurance.

At Palmetto Hall she served on the Owner’s Association Board as Treasurer and then President. She was credited with achieving several strategic initiatives for the community. Melinda is active with her church – St. Andrew by the Sea and volunteers as a mentor with the international women’s empowerment group “Women Within”. She also has served the last four years with the Beaufort County Board of Voter Registration and Elections as a Poll Clerk.
Melinda graduated from Ohio University with a BBA in Business Economics. She and her husband Mike have two adult sons and three grandchildren. Melinda is also a cancer survivor. She says the experience gave her a profound appreciation for the preciousness of time. She says: “The experience has deepened my commitment to use every moment I have left to love my family and friends and serve my community in the best way I know how by dedicating my God-given abilities and experiences to make a positive impact wherever I can.”

With my family on Hilton Head Island beach.

With my World War II veteran father, Bill Tryon, now 97.

With my husband Mike.

With my 3-year-old grandson, Cillian (now 4).

With my sons Justin and Alec at Town Hall after my signing as a candidate.