- Distinctiveness – Most of us picked up our lives and moved here to Hilton Head Island because we believed this was a special place to live. And, it is. The exceptional natural beauty of our Lowcountry barrier island, coupled with the distinctive character established by Charles Fraser and the original land planners, has made this an award-winning destination and an unparalleled place to live. If elected, my foremost priority as a Town Council member will be to ensure that Hilton Head Island remains this extraordinary place. I am fully committed to being a part of preserving and enhancing what makes our island town unique.
- Residents First – I want to focus on the needs of residents first while supporting responsible tourism. I believe our Town Council always needs a resident view when making long-term decisions. There is no question that tourism drives our economy. It sustains our property values. But I believe visitor numbers should not be at levels that result in people not wanting to live or move here.
- Halt Overdevelopment – Land protection is something I am completely committed to. Preserving the overall lifestyle we moved here to enjoy is paramount. I believe the Town Council is responsible for insisting on a thoughtful approach to updating our Land Management Ordinances to reflect the early innovative vision of island planners like Charles Fraser, Fred Hack, and others who emphasized ecological sensitivity with sustainable development practices.

- Fiscal responsibility and accountability – As a Town Council member I will be specifically committed to ensuring better fiscal responsibility and accountability in our town’s governance. I believe our town’s budget has been increasing much too fast while our population has hardly grown in recent years. The 2025 budget of $168 million is the largest in Hilton Head history. It is more than double pre-COVID levels. Employee-related expenses have grown 41% over the past three years.
- Focus on most important priorities – Our town has currently identified 15 major priorities with over 100 tactics; many are carried over to the next year. I believe town staff should concentrate their energy primarily on the most important priorities and ensure they are completed in a reasonable amount of time before taking on new projects. By narrowing their focus town staff can be more efficient in delivering results sooner. And, as they do, they will avoid unnecessary additional expenses and be able to deliver the benefit of those priorities earlier.

- Improve commuting time -Improving commuting time from the mainland is vital in maintaining Hilton Head Island’s workforce to support residents, our local businesses, and visitors. I will strongly advocate for transportation strategies to achieve this goal.
- Developer Incentives for Workforce Housing – I will advocate for public/private partnerships as well as incentives for developers to encourage new construction as well as for refurbishing current commercial spaces in order to enable on-island workers to have affordable places to live.

I am committed to putting more emphasis on safety to address crime on the island and the increase in traffic accidents. I believe suitable funding should be available to the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Department to achieve these objectives. The visible presence of deputies can help deter crime and ensure quicker responses to incidents. In addition, improved designs at key intersections will make our roadways safer for cyclists and pedestrians.

I would like to see continued investments in our Arts and Culture which can foster a sense of overall community on Hilton Head Island. Hopefully, we can bring residents from across the island together with visitors to celebrate our island’s diversity and achievements. We should find more ways to acclaim our unique history and culture.