Former Mayor of Hilton Head Island

As a resident of Ward 6 and former mayor of Hilton Head Island, it is my distinct pleasure to endorse Melinda Tunner for the open Ward 6 seat on the Hilton Head Island Town Council in the upcoming General Election.

I have met with Melinda at length and watched her speak at council meetings. I have also talked with other island leaders who speak highly of her abilities. Personally, I was most impressed by her thoughtful understanding of the issues that our town is dealing with. She offers a clear, solutions-oriented approach to tackling them.

As your former mayor, I know how important it is to work collaboratively with both other council members and our town manager. Melinda has very good communication skills and a team-oriented personality. She also possesses the excellent financial expertise necessary to effectively contribute to our budget process.

I’m also gratified to support Melinda because she understands the critical importance of maintaining a first-class fire and rescue department on Hilton Head Island – something that was a key priority during my tenure as mayor and remains a defining feature of Hilton Head Island. Her commitment to upholding this standard of excellence speaks volumes about her dedication to ensuring the safety and well-being of our community.

I am confident Melinda will be fully accessible to residents of our Ward and a good listener to our various concerns and perspectives. From my viewpoint, this is exactly the kind of fresh voice and leadership qualities we need on our council with the right kind of experience, knowledge, and passion for service.

Bottom line, I’m very pleased to endorse Melinda Tunner as our next council representative for Ward 6, and I hope you will take the time to learn more about her between now and election day.


SC Senator, District 46
Letter of Support

Melinda had a three-decade career with a Fortune 100 company, where she served as a corporate financial officer, and Town Council needs a member who will bring a healthy skepticism to new proposals and a careful eye to assessment of existing programs.


Palmetto Hall Plantation, POA Manager

I proudly support Melinda Tunner for town council. Melinda will fill a vital role with her strong finance background, business acumen and most of all her steady, measured approach to complex challenges such as those we face as a community as we navigate the next 5-10 years. I look forward to seeing Melinda’s leadership skills leveraged for our mutual benefit as she serves on town council on our behalf once elected!


President Culligan Water of the Low Country

I am writing to endorse Melinda Tunner as our Ward 6 Town Council Representative in the 2024 election. I have had the pleasure of knowing Melinda, as well as working with Melinda for several years. I can confidently say she possesses the qualities and skills our town needs in this position. My personal experience with Melinda on the Palmetto Hall Board of Directors when she served as our President for two years showed me, her ability to work in difficult situations. Her attention to detail, always totally prepared, her ability to listen, and most importantly her fiscal responsibility is second to none.

As a citizen and business owner on Hilton Head Island I believe it is essential our elected leaders are committed to improving our community, Melinda is that person. She has demonstrated her commitment to this position by attending Town of Hilton Head meetings, meeting with residents from non-gated communities and gated communities, so she is completely prepared to take on this position. I have no doubt that Melinda will work tirelessly to make our community a better place. Melinda will bring much needed fiscal responsibility to the Town of Hilton Head. She will align with the values and beliefs of Ward 6 residents both inside the gated communities as well as outside the gated communities. She is exactly what the residents of Ward 6 need as our representative on Hilton Head Town Council.

I strongly urge you to vote for Melinda Tunner in the upcoming election. I am confident that she will make a positive impact and improve our community. Please join me in supporting Melinda Tunner and electing her to Town Council representing Ward 6.


I endorse Melinda Tunner for Town Council, Ward 6. I don’t live in Ward 6, but I have attended many Town Council, Committee and Planning Meetings and Melinda Tunner is always in the audience. She is taking notes and providing Public Comments at every meeting she attends. Melinda has a complete and comprehensive knowledge of the agenda items facing all of Hilton Head Island – not just Ward 6. I believe that a Vote for Melinda Tunner is a Vote for our entire Island.


I fully support Melinda Tunner to become a member of the HHI Town Council, representing Ward 6. It’s not often that someone comes along with both the appropriate skills and talents that Melinda demonstrates almost daily for us in Palmetto Hall coupled with the energy and desire to dedicate herself to tackling critical issues facing the Island. Please kindly show your support by voting for Melinda in the upcoming November 5th election.


Ward 6 Town Council

I am proud to endorse Melinda Tunner For Ward 6 of the Hilton Head Island Town Council. She has prepared herself for this seat by attending almost every Town Council meeting and many committee and commission meetings for the past year.

Melinda’s finance background will serve The Town well. I urge my fellow residents of Ward 6 to elect Melinda Tunner to Ward 6 of the Hilton Head Island Town Council.


State Representative, District 123

Melinda Tunner is a candidate of the highest quality for Town Council. She has the requisite skills of financial acumen and personal communication. She will represent Ward 6 with excellence. She has my full support.


Christian Renewal, Executive Pastor

Melinda is a strong voice and advocate for our Hilton Head Island community. She listens deeply, she commits to a plan and course of action and then she delivers superiors results.

Additionally, Melinda brings a talented and tenured resume to the Ward 6 Town Council seat. She has served as a corporate finance executive of a Fortune 100 company and did an outstanding job as the President of the Palmetto Hall Homeowners Association. She will make an excellent town council member and will work hard to protect Hilton Head’s future. Please give your vote to this qualified and courageous community leader.


Chairman of the Hilton Head Island Symphony Board of Directors

We are honored to endorse Melinda Tunner in her bid to win a seat on the Hilton Head Island Town Council. Melinda is a consummate professional. With her solid financial expertise and strong executive experience, she will be an asset to the Town Council as it charts the island’s future.


Melinda’s extensive financial background coupled with her knowledge of Hilton Heads need for strategic budgeting and planning immediately captured my vote. Also, it is important to mention that Melinda will continue her mission to improve Hilton Head’s infrastructure demands while prioritizing the integrity of our beautiful island while not permitting overdevelopment. Her strong work history makes her a perfect candidate for us in Ward 6.


I am pleased to add my whole-hearted endorsement to Melinda Tunner’s candidacy to represent Ward 6 on Hilton Head Island’s Town Council. Melinda has been a good friend since we moved here almost eight years ago. She is a smart, friendly and caring individual who is personally invested in the future prosperity and livability of our neighborhood and Island.

Melinda and I served together on our POA’s Finance Committee where she exhibited strong financial management skills and a commonsense approach to solving problems. She was subsequently elected to the POA’s Board of Directors where she was also elected as its Treasurer, and subsequently its President. I was fortunate to also serve with her on the Board, where she exhibited strong leadership skills. During Melinda’s three years leading the Board we were able to nearly double our capital reserve fund while also achieving more than $500,000 in security related capital improvements for our neighborhood, all while maintaining our operating assessment with only limited increases and adding no additional staff. As testament to her
accomplishments, the community recently re-elected her to the Board, and again selected her as its Treasurer.

Melinda is well prepared to step up to the Town Council role. I know that she has attended dozens of Council and Committee meetings to prepare for seeking the Ward 6 Council seat. From my direct experience working with Melinda, I believe that nobody will be better prepared or work any harder on behalf of our residents. She will also bring a new level of access, transparency and accountability to Town government.

If you are interested in better government for our neighborhoods and our Town, I urge you to vote for Melinda Tunner for the Ward 6 seat on Town Council on November 5th. Thank you.


I give my total support and endorsement to Melinda Tunner for Hilton Head Island Town Council, Ward 6. She has a tremendous work ethic; she is a great listener, and she solves issues.

During the Presidential elections of 2016 and 2020, the Palmetto Hall (HH3) precinct voting location was held at the Hilton Head Library, sharing the space with several other precincts. The wait, no matter the time of day, was well over an hour to cast a vote. Melinda, as a Poll Clerk worked with the Beaufort County Board of Voters Registration and Elections to add a new voting location for the residents of Palmetto Hall, within their community at their Clubhouse. The residents of Palmetto Hall no longer experience long lines while realize an increase in voter turnout. During the November 2023 Primary, Palmetto Hall more than doubled the Beaufort County voter turnout! Please vote for Melinda Tunner this election cycle. She will represent her constituents of Ward 6 well!


I think Melinda will be a great advocate for the residents of Hilton Head! Anyone that hasn’t heard Melinda explain her positions needs to find a way to hear her point of view. Is measured and responsible unlike our current leaders who can’t take and spend our money fast enough!! Vote Tunner!! Good luck!
Fred Goulet

Melinda is articulate, listens to others, understands politics, and cares about the community. She will be a caring, excellent member of Hilton Head’s Town council.
Becky & Walter Cederholm

Melinda has the experience and love of our island to be great for not only ward 6 but for all of our mutual interests.
Mark Elliott

I have known Melinda for several years and was excited to learn that she is running for Town Council. She has been active in our community in the voting procedure and has indicated her desire to maintain the island that we all know and love. Under her stewardship, the Island would have someone who really cares about what decisions are made.
Priscilla S. Loeben

Such an impressive background professionally, amazing family and values, and the right person for our Town Council!
Marilyn Procaccini


Micky Alexander
Chris Alfred
Dottie Ballestero
Manny Ballestero
Bev Banino
George Banino
Barry Bastian
Judy Bastian
Susan Bell
Bill Bell
Emil Bilinski
Alexa Bomysoad
Nate Bomysoad
John Boullosa
Diane Boullosa
Dave Boyd
Malinda Boyd
Richard Boyd
Mary Brooks Beatty
Carol Buxer
Bob Buxer
Cade Callahan Reddy
Mariett Campbell
Gil Campbell
Jennifer Caprioli
Kim Carpenter
John Carreiro
Marie Carreiro
Janis Casey
John Casey
Connie Caverno
John Caverno
Martin Plocica
Claran Stone
Terry Conway
Walter Schaffner
Barry Wilburn
Doug Braun
Jennifer Braun

Shelby Challenger
Shelia Corbett
Denise Crow
Pat Curry
Adriana Curry
Joe Cusick
Paula Cusick
Elaine R. Coughlin
Joe D’Arrezo
Vanessa D’Arrezo
Kathryn Davis
Camille DeJianne
Bob DeJianne
Beryl DiBasio
Jeff DiBasio
Tom Donaher
Lorraine Donaher
Debbie Dusenberry
Mike Dusenberry
Linda Ehrhardt
Mary Elliott
Kim Engle
Mavis Ennis
Ron Evans
Steven Even
Hunter Fitch
Michele Foote
Mike Foote
Jeff Fowler
Jack Gaido
Karen Gaido
Cheryl Moore
Peter Moore
Anthony Olesh
Karen Moran
Brian Moran
Shane Shipman
Jerry Pittz

Peter Gaul
Bryan Gaul
Andreea Gaul
Susan Giarusso
Bob Giarusso
SueEllen Goodear
Lonnie Goulet
Gerald Griffin
Jo Ann Griffith
Bill Guillem
Judy Guillem
Peter Hagerty
Laurie Hagerty
Kim Havlic
Patrick Holmes
Randy Hoover
Sandy Hoover
Brett Jacobowitz
Sylvia James
Bob James
Freda Jasper
Tom Jasper
Melanee Kasper
Rick Kasper
Steve LaMothe
Ann Lane
Mark Lobring
Sherri Mikrut
Lynne Miller
Richard Miller
Keith Moyer
Elaine Couglin
Cade Callahan Reddy
Margie Lechowicz
Gina Denkhoff
Janice Magnin
Scott Gardner
Elaine Turrisi

Suzanne Moyer
Cherry Norris
Hugh O’Kane
Gail O’Kane
Bonnie Pastore
John Pastore
Marty Pelllicci
Ann Phillippe
PK Phillippe
Joshua Polk
Diana Quinn
Kathleen Redman
Bill Redman
Barb Revere
Bill Revere
Mike Rudy
Karen Rudy
Donna Sanders
Henry Sanders
Bonnie Saunders
Bill Saunders
Shirley Schneider
Dennis Scholl
Mary Schwarz
Sally Shifler
Greg Shimon
Susan Simonetti
Dave Simonetti
Joy Sions
Bill Sions
Dyan Smith
Deb Ferguson
Brady Ferguson
Dave Chmielowiec
Judy Chmielowiec
Howard Arden
Anne Eddy
Nicole Gardner

Jeff Smith
Bob Soltys
Connie Sowa
Mike Sowa
Tami Streber
Greg Streber
Walt Theiss
Vicki Theiss
Scott Thompson
Laura Thompson
Ed Tiscornia
Bob Totte
Jane Totte
Jewell Tryon
Mike Tunner
Justin Tunner
Alex Tunner
Jason Walden
Kirk Warga
Jill Warga
Pat Warmington
Patti Warmington
Mike Waters
Ann Waters
Sharon Weiss
Scott Weiss
Ellen Whalley
Jodi Wieczorek
Joe Wieczorek
Jeanie Williamson
Mike Williamson
James Williamson
Beth Yarnold
Anne Ziegler
John Zmarzly
Mary LaLiberty
Rich LaLiberty
Gray Smith
Christine Ficurilli
Nick Ficurilli
Donna Decelles
Roger Decelles